Development and Manufacturing meets the requirements to the most modern standard


partnerstvo kartinka

Cooperation and Partnership

AGT-development is a Russian company which aim is to attract investments and implement investment projects in the Russian agro-industrial sector in the area of crop production.

The company has serious financial capabilities and other tools of the given activity, which allow to successfully realize projects in the agro-industrial sector of the Russian economy through the implementation of investment projects together with Russian regional authorities on the basis of the Agreement on strategic partnership. AGT-development cooperates with the largest Russian and international companies and organizations, banks, institutional funds, holding companies, and individuals, attracting investments in a wide range of innovative projects in the agro-industrial sector of Russia.

Technologies promoted by AGT-development are based on resource saving, increased productivity of equipment and manufacturing automation. And also, on reducing costs and maximizing efficiency of the agricultural enterprises of the Russian Federation.

The main projects of the company AGT-development are industrial greenhouses for growing frame area vegetables, covering market share at the level of the federal scale.

Social responsibility

AGT-development uses the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility to ensure effective sustainable development of the organization and its responsibility.
The company adheres to the broadest possible interpretation of the concept of corporate social responsibility, which includes the following components:

    1. Corporate social policy in relation to society.
    2. Corporate management and corporate ethics.
    3. Health and safety.
    4. Policy in the field of environmental protection.
    5. Human rights (including basic labor rights).
    6. Human Resource Management.
    7. Interaction with society, development and investment.
    8. Corporate philanthropy and volunteering.
    9. Satisfaction of the customer and commitment to the principle of fair competition.
    10. Measures to combat corruption.
    11. Accountability, transparency and reporting activities.
    12. Issues of human rights in relations with suppliers, both in national and international chain of contractors and suppliers.

Only together we can make the life of society better!

socialjnaja otvetstvennostj

konsuljtativnij sovet

Advisory Board

The Advisory Board of the Company “Agrotechnological Development LLC” has a special business relationships and existing joint venture agreement with key Russian and international consultants who have worldwide fame in their field of activity.
These include:
1. Consultants for the State and the Administrative regulation.
2. Consultants for Business and Law.
3. Consultants in the field of Accounting and Finance.
4. Consultants in Marketing and Logistics.

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